The cold winds are rising, it makes us slow, so the update is a bit smaller overall this time. But worry not, it still contains a major UI change that will make you feel like it's 25 °C outside. We also ironed out some annoying IE 8/9 problems with edit/delete links and couple other bugs.
The big UI change mentioned above is the new media gallery which now has a sidebar with a expandable/collapsible tree of groups that were previously in a dropdown which wasn't exactly easiest to browse through when you had a hierarchy of a hundred of groups. This also allows for some cool features like having the count of items of selected group in the tabs (files, pictures, videos, flashes). The old groups tab was removed so adding new groups and editing is now done through the group tree, which has same kind of icons as the page tree in structure.
One often wished feature of having the listing remember the selected group, search and paging after editing an item..has now come true!
Another new feature worth mentioning is that we can now set customer specific guideline and help files on the admin dashboard. You won't see any difference to the past unless there are files to download though.
Keep yourselves warm, ladies and gentlemen.
Disclaimer: If you were wondering why this post was in English and not in Finnish it is because the main development language of SOLU is indeed English and will remain so.