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SOLU BS update: Version 4.2.1

New features

Version 4.2.1 introduces linked datacard object ordering, which means that images, files and other datacards that are added to datacard can be arranged in desired order. Display order can be managed while editing datacards.

Recursive page publishing is available from individual page's page info tab. When changing the publish status (either publishing or unpublishing the page), you're given a choice to apply this status to all the child pages of the current page. This should make publishing and unpublishing vast page trees considerably easier.

Regarding responsive web design support, please contact e21 sales.

Other updates

  • Added setting to disable normal admin login.
  • Added file downloads to Google Analytics.
  • Changed page preview links target to current window/tab.
  • Removed image inline width parameter.
  • Removed the possibility to set images to align center.